Luxe Valentine's Wrapped Bouquet
Ditch the cliche red roses and give your Valentine a gorgeous mixed bouquet featuring a classic flower favorite: fresh, American grown tulips!
Expect this special bouquet to also include supporting blooms, greenery, and eucalyptus, specially wrapped in our signature kraft paper accented with pink and/or red paper and ribbon.
Choose farm pickup or enter a delivery address in the “shipping” area of the checkout page for Thursday, February 13th delivery (within 30 miles of the farm).
Ditch the cliche red roses and give your Valentine a gorgeous mixed bouquet featuring a classic flower favorite: fresh, American grown tulips!
Expect this special bouquet to also include supporting blooms, greenery, and eucalyptus, specially wrapped in our signature kraft paper accented with pink and/or red paper and ribbon.
Choose farm pickup or enter a delivery address in the “shipping” area of the checkout page for Thursday, February 13th delivery (within 30 miles of the farm).
Ditch the cliche red roses and give your Valentine a gorgeous mixed bouquet featuring a classic flower favorite: fresh, American grown tulips!
Expect this special bouquet to also include supporting blooms, greenery, and eucalyptus, specially wrapped in our signature kraft paper accented with pink and/or red paper and ribbon.
Choose farm pickup or enter a delivery address in the “shipping” area of the checkout page for Thursday, February 13th delivery (within 30 miles of the farm).